Monday, September 21, 2009

Are you making money online ?

How To Build An Online Income

If you are serious about making some extra money, or you want a bonafide income online then there are a few places that you can start.

The thing about the affiliate marketing route is that it is often the most talked about as it can be simple to do.

Key Words

The thing that always bugged me about affiliate marketing is the fact that no matter how fast you can write or how good a writer you are, the fact remains that if you can't get your head around learning to find great, low competition keywords, then you've almost lost before you start.

If you can't formulate a decent keyword strategy the you probably won't get any traffic. If you have no traffic then forget any income and so the story goes.

If you can somehow get the best keywords and then write well, there is still the little matter of building links.

If your keyword article is great but it has no links then it is possible that some other smarter webmaster may decide to cut in on your dance and rewrite your article and then build twice as many links as happens. In fact it happens often.

Own Your Territory

When your territory gets poached you end up relegated in the search engine results and the competitor ends up on top. That sucks!

If you build enough links and the links have value, then you'll be close to untouchable (but not out of the woods completely). If you do have keywords and links, the thing you'll have over your competitors is age and age of the information does matter.

visit our website: htt://

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