Hello everyone! Recently I experienced a customer that for the first time in my, well lets just say MANY years of sales, that I honestly have an opportunity in seeing this particular client as being "right"! We all know the rules! 1) The customer is ALWAYS right. 2) When the cutomer is wrong, see rule 1. Well folks, IS a customer EVER wrong? I look at problems as opportunites, so I've never had an issue with this before. First time for everything I guess! I would like to know if anyone else has questioned this rule, what makes an exception (IF there is one) and how they handled it and themselves! Thank you!
He taught me that the client the majority of times is not right and it is difficult for them to accept that they are wrong. Telling the client they are wrong made my efforts more difficult. It was not until years later I became efficient with the client that is wrong. Sure you can make some sales to people informing them that they are way off base and have no idea. However it sure is much easier to know they are wrong and use their knowledge to convince them to see things in a different light.
The power of questions is amazing. Take the wrong statements add a twist and have them answer that twist. I love the question of why do you feel that is the correct statement? How did you find this information? Complimenting them on their research then I shoot my favorite statement. However if we look at it from this point of view we find this is how it performs and how it delivers for you. Would you like to know exactly how this makes your life easier? Or would you like to know the benefits to you?
I learned that most people react in a much different way when I approach wrong thinking and statements in this manner. I transform myself from an authority figure and do it my way to a consultant and educator. I have also learned that it is much easier to ask for a new decision when I have informed the client that they made a terrible decision and have a horrible point of view.
There are some people who want and need the more direct approach. What are you thinking? These are few and far between the ones who need to be nurtured to capture the sale and keep them long term.
Keep questioning the logic of the client is always right. I am betting the more it is questioned the more the sales professional thinks that it is better to lose the battle but win the war and will find ways to convince the client without informing them that they are idiots for thinking that way.
Reproduced - names have been deleted to protect the innocent