Some people are predicting that Social Media will soon replace is a list of Social Media Websites to check out.....
To learn more about some of the most popular networks that are part of the Internet's second generation, read the blurbs below and then visit these sites. You'll find some easier to use and understand than others, but as you browse, ask yourself: How could our agency benefit by using this network?
• Facebook ( A free online social media network created by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 while he was at Harvard University. Named for the paper booklets that colleges distribute with names and photos of students, Facebook spread to other universities and now has 150 million subscribers worldwide.
• LinkedIn ( A network of 33 million professionals from around the world, representing 170 industries and 200 countries. Launched by five partners in 2003, the network exists to "find, be introduced to and collaborate with qualified professionals you need to work with to accomplish your goals."
• Twitter ( A privately-funded social media service with offices in San Francisco. Started in March 2006, Twitter has grown into a real time short messaging service that works over multiple networks and devices. Members post news about themselves by answering, in 140 characters or less, the question: "What are you doing?" Other members respond by offering relevant information that may be useful. According to a source, Twitter had 744,000members as of January 2008.
• Craigslist ( A free, online classified advertising space that connects buyers and sellers, whether the item being "sold" is an antique dresser or a position at an insurance firm. The site is categorized by metropolitan area and further divided by suburbs. Ads are automatically deleted after seven days, at which time you may repost.