Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Right Diet?
We're safely into 2007 now. Have you kept your resolution to drop a few pounds? Searches on "diets" are still trending strong, up 61% over the last week. However, we've found that you don't want to work too hard to shed that weight—searches on "easy diets" are up a whopping 300%. As we know, getting started on a new lifestyle is hard and that's why searches on "free diet plans" are up 74%. We haven't seen a corresponding rise in searches on "willpower," but we know you have what it takes to lay off the chips and candy.
Setting aside the sweets, could a diet based on repetition do the trick for you? Many of these easy prep weight loss formulas crop up around this time of year when "fad diet" searches are all the rage. Here are the top 10 single ingredient diet searches over the last week...
Cabbage Soup Diet
Grapefruit Diet
Maple Syrup Diet
Apple Cider Vinegar Diet
Cayenne Pepper Diet
Special K Diet
Cabbage Diet
Rice Diet
Green Tea Diet
Cookie Diet
We're all for the Cookie Diet coming in at number ten, but we don't think chocolate chips are going to solve the problem of our hips. We dug deeper still into the diet data to extract some of the odd and amusing diet queries popping up lately. If you're one of the few brave souls trying the "hard boiled egg diet," godspeed and good luck...
Biblical Diet Foods
All Fruit Diet
Suzanne Somers Diet
Diet Gum
Banana Diet
Bruce Lee Diet
Raw Food Diet
Cranberry Diet
Almond Diet
Watermelon Diet
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Filed under: Diets
By Erik Gunther