Thursday, January 14, 2010

How do you Motivate Yourself ?

A long time ago, my exercise routine consisted of walking daily. I felt that my body was ready to kick it up a notch. The gym was suggested to me. I wasn't crazy about it initially, but decided to give a try. I realized after a couple of visits that I actually liked it.

I knew that one of my initial challenges would be to commit going to the gym regularly. How would I go about doing this? I knew that I wanted to motivate myself … or perhaps coach myself. So I defined goals and incentives (e.g. rewards) for achieving those goals. For instance, one reward was that for each week I would go the gym, I would purchase songs from iTunes. Listening to the new songs on my iPod, while exercising, not only felt great, but also motivated me to continue my exercise commitment.

What are some ways that you motivate yourself? I would be interested to get your feedback, thanks.

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