Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Do you want income or wealth ?

Income Creation Vs. Wealth Creation

Whatever their reasons, the simple fact is that people in the job track will never create true wealth because they are copycatting an income creation system, which is based on linear growth, as opposed to a wealth creation system, which is based on leveraged growth.

People copycatting the income creation system are locked into a time-for-money trap. They trade a unit of their time for a unit of dollars. With income creation, 10 hours of work, equals 10 hours of pay. Unfortunately, most of the time, income creation is an endless treadmill. If you don't do the work, you don't get paid. If the treadmill stops, the income stops. People following the income creation system become slaves to temporary income, and they are accidents waiting to happen. If they fall victim to illness, or injury, or long layoffs, or burnout, they are income-less.

Those brave souls who have broken away from the ranks, who have realized that there are other systems out there to copycat -- wealth creating systems -- are choosing to copycat a system that allows them to leverage their time. They don't fall victim to the time-for-money trap because they do not trade time for dollars. For them, 10 hours of work means 100 hours of pay... or even 1,000 hours of pay. Moreover, their efforts create residual income. Unlike temporary income, residual income keeps earning money whether they show up to work or not!

Want to find out more? Click the link >

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